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Teachers and Blogging: A Great Pair

EDTS 325

Blogging is something that I would have never connected to teachers. Teachers and blogging seems like a good mix, however. It would be a good way to find teacher resources along with teacher advice from people all over the world. It could be like a PD session from the comfort of your own home. 

After reading several articles about blogging as a teacher, my knowledge was expanded to include many other ways blogging can be a useful tool for this profession. One of the things that stood out to me the most was that the reason many teachers don't blog is because they don't want to give up their privacy. In his article 4 Reasons People Don't Blog and Ideas to Help Change Their Mind, George Couros stated that blogging doesn't mean you have to give up all of your privacy. This was definitely an "ah ha" moment for me. When I think of blogging, I think of sharing your thoughts, but that doesn't mean sharing personal things, it just means sharing your opinions or helpful tips with others. Blogging can also be a good tool for teachers to connect the classroom with the students' home life. This idea was mentioned by Kathleen Morris in her article Ten Reasons Every Educator Should Start Blogging. I think that this is such a good idea! It gives parents an easy way to see what their children are learning, and makes it easier on teachers to share this with all parents at once. This stood out to me, and I think its a good tool I will consider using in my future classroom. I think blogging can also allow teachers to continue their lifelong learning and reflection, an idea I saw in the article 3 Reasons to Start a Teacher Blog Today by Bethany Petty. Blogging can allow you to see your progress over time as a teacher, and reflect back on strategies that worked, and those that did not. I think that this is a great way to reflect on yourself, but also others experiences! 

I think that blogging can be a useful tool for teachers for several different reasons. not only can it allow for self reflection, it can also allow a connection between your classroom and your students' homes. I think a think that scares lots away, including me, is the fear of giving up your privacy. Though blogging doesn't mean sharing everything about your life! You can share your thoughts but still keep it private. Overall, I think it should be something every teacher considers using as a tool.


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