Professional Learning Networks on social media can help you as a teacher immensely. You can learn new ideas, and collaborate with other teachers. I learnt a lot from our EDTS 325 meeting with Teachers Tea's Kaila and Kristi. One of my big takeaways was that there are many platforms out there, and you can choose one that is best suited to your needs. So don't feel pressured to follow everyone else onto a certain platform. They chose instagram because of its several posting options, such as stories and reels. They also felt most comfortable with Instagram, so that was a big factor too. Another big takeaway was to embrace new tools, or else you will be left in the dust. I think that this is very important when it comes to PLNs, as you might find more updated materials and tools if you use updated social media. There are several positives, along with negatives when it comes to social media. Some positives are that you can learn so many new things. Social media brings endless amount...
Hello there! My name is Kindi, and welcome to Kindi's Teaching Thoughts. I am currently a second year education student at Medicine Hat College. I hope to also graduate with my Bachelor of Science and teach high school biology. On this blog, I talk about technology in the classroom, and PLNs. Happy reading!