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Showing posts from November, 2023

Google Tools for the Classroom - the Best Invention!

    Google is something I have used for a huge chunk of my life, both in a personal and school context. I would say I am very familiar with google, though I wouldn't say I am an expert. I am pretty advanced with technology and how to run Google, but prior to this lesson, there was a lot of Google apps that I had no idea existed. I already knew about Google Maps, as I use that tool pretty often. It is one of my favourites, because it is so easy to use and informative. It not only can show you directions and distances, but you can also go to locations and it will give you a blurb telling about the place, and showing photos. It combines Google Search, Maps, and Images into one, which I think is really useful in the classroom so students don't have to have several pages open just to find information about one place. It is very easy to use, and informative. It also can be a way for students to learn about other countries and cultures throughout the world, as they can observe differe